Click Here for the RHSA Teaching Co-op
Current Year 24-25
Catalog Home Page
Monthly Tuition: $40
Homework: no
Hours/Week: 1
Max/Min Students: 10/3
Age Range: 7-12We will learn basic signs.We will learn songs and stories
in ASL. We will learn about Deaf Culture and about the people who
have impacted it.
Hi! My name is Anna Gibson. I was born in Fort
Collins, Colorado. I have 4 siblings, 2 sisters and 2 brothers. I attended
Collin College and got my degree in Interpreting and Deaf Studies.
Currently, I am working with children in various ways. I love working
with kids and helping to further their education. I am excited to work at
RSHA as I attended as a student when I was younger!
Class meets on Tuesday from 10:30 AM to 11:25 AM & on Thursday from none to none & on Day 3 from none to none