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Current Year 24-25
Catalog Home Page
Monthly Tuition: $52
Homework: yes
Hours/Week: 4
Max/Min Students: 12/4
Age Range: 14-18High School Literature is a year of learning the literature that matches the historical time period. This class will have expository writing that will build a foundation of communication skills to be used throughout a lifetime. The literature will be a study of World Literature classics in coordination with the RHSA World History class. These two separate classes will mesh with total credits of three in order to help the student learn about history through books that match the time period of history being studied. The books in this class will be analyzed for vocabulary, theme, plot lines, and symbolism. This class will count for one English credit alone, but three credits in combination with World History.
Details:Class meets on Tuesday from 2:30 PM to 3:25 PM & on Thursday from none to none & on Day 3 from none to none