Click Here for the RHSA Teaching Co-op Current Year 24-25 Catalog Home Page

Supply Fee + May Tuition: $60

Monthly Tuition: $50

Homework: yes

Hours/Week: 1

Max/Min Students: 10/3

Age Range: 13-18

Class Code: GSLB    HS Level
Teacher: Anna Gibson
Teacher Email:

Textbook to be purchased by the parent: Signing Naturally - Student Workbook Units 1-6
ISBN-13: 978-1581212105, ISBN-10: 892559854X

We will learn how to describe people, objects, places, and
situations using signs and expressions. We will learn mouth morphemes
and Deaf idioms. We will learn some stories and songs in ASL. We will
also learn about famous deaf people as we do Deaf Culture Moments!
This class can count as one high school language credit.


Hi! My name is Anna Gibson. I was born in Fort
Collins, Colorado. I have 4 siblings, 2 sisters and 2 brothers. I attended
Collin College and got my degree in Interpreting and Deaf Studies.
Currently, I am working with children in various ways. I love working
with kids and helping to further their education. I am excited to work at
RSHA as I attended as a student when I was younger!


Class meets on Tuesday from 8:30 AM to 9:25 AM & on Thursday from none to none & on Day 3 from none to none

All classes taught by Anna Gibson:
World of Narnia (GWN)
Little House on the Prairie (GLH)
American Sign Language 1 (GSLB)
Intro to ASL (GSLA)
Grammar (PG)
Adventures in Reading (PAR)