Click Here for the RHSA Teaching Co-op Current Year 24-25 Catalog Home Page

Class is not offered this year

Supply Fee + May Tuition: $80

Monthly Tuition: $65

Homework: no

Hours/Week: 2

Max/Min Students: 10/3

Age Range: 14-18

Class Code: BCC    HS Level
Teacher: Dr. Ray Bohlin
Teacher Email:

As a church, we should be alarmed by how the vast majority of young people leave the faith after high school—home school students included. This class is geared to building students confident in their faith by changing the way they think about a wide range of topics. Laying a foundation of basic Christian worldview education compared to the other major worldviews of naturalism and pantheism, we then provide the basics of classic apologetics. By the end of this part of the course, students have usually developed a new level of confidence that Christianity is true.

On top of the foundation of worldviews and apologetics, we move into cultural apologetics, exploring how biblical Christianity informs our views on subjects as diverse as creation and evolution, gender issues, environmentalism, genetic engineering, the problem of pain and suffering, how to watch a movie, and even why guys and girls are so different. Every week students will read and take an online quiz on several articles from the website they they are to print out and add to the resource notebook that they will draw on for years to come. They will also write one paper per semester.

Each lecture has a fill-in-the-blank outline that will build the value of their notebook.

My wife Sue teaches some of the topics; this is truly a team-taught class.

Requirements: 2-inch ring binder, Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey


Although I have served in ministry since college, all of my education is in science. I first earned a B.S. in zoology from the University of Illinois. At the University of North Texas, I earned an M.S. in population genetics, which is actually evolutionary biology. I knew that if I were going to be a critic of evolution, I needed to understand it better than the evolutionists. At the University of Texas at Dallas, I earned a second Masters and a Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology. So I have studied evolution on the macro level of animals and the micro level of molecules, all of which served to solidify my absolute conviction that God is Creator who has left His fingerprints all over His creation—and I see science as the study of those fingerprints.

I have been privileged to lecture and debate on dozens of college and university campuses in the U.S. and internationally. I have addressed issues in the creation/evolution debate as well as other science-related issues such as the environment, genetic engineering, medical ethics, and sexually transmitted diseases. I am also a Fellow with the Discovery Institute in the area of Intelligent Design.

For the last several years, I have served the Texas State Board of Education in providing oversight of biology textbooks, including testifying before the whole board on textbook issues that promote myths about evolution. Recently I have become a Content Advisor for all science for grades K-12. We are grateful for God granting this privilege, that a scientist committed to the truth of His Word has been given a voice that will impact millions of Texas public school students.


Class meets on Tuesday from 12:30 PM to 1:25 PM & on Thursday from none to none & on Day 3 from none to none

All classes taught by Dr. Ray Bohlin:
Building Confident Christians (BCC)
Chemistry  (BCTH)
Physics (BPTH)
Anatomy and Physiology (BAPTH)
Biology (BBTH)