Online Database
Each co-op starts with the basic database allowing leaders password protected, online access to their database which includes:
- Add, Edit or Delete Families, Students, Teachers & Classes
- Enroll or Drop Students from Classes
- Add, Edit and Assign Service Jobs
- Choose Reports for Online Viewing or Printing
- Search for Specific Information
- Upload Files and Create Links to Share Information
- Ability for Parents and Teachers to Update their Contact Information
Enhance your system with additional services:
- Co-op Website
- No web design experience needed to manage this website. An easy-to-use interface allows leaders to directly enter information for the website. This website may be made public or private.
- Interactive Online Class Catalog
- This catalog is created from the information in the co-op database and may be public or private.
- Teacher Accessible Class Rosters
- Allow teachers to login and view their class rosters.
- Teacher Submitted Class Proposals
- Allow teachers to enter class submissions directly into the database for the upcoming year.
- Parent Accessible Information
- Allow parents to login and view their Class Schedules, Service Job information, and a Co-op Directory.
- Online Registration
- Members will be allowed to register for classes online when the leaders make the system public. An option to pay through PayPal is also included.
- Class Pages with Gradebook
- Each class has its own web page for teachers to post assignments, messages, grades, and upload files for students to download. Only students enrolled in the class and their parents will be able to access these pages.

Created by veteran homeschoolers,
eCoops is committed to providing
outstanding service and support.